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Thursday, December 2, 2010

No Country Can Beat Christmas In the Philippines!

Well, this is really a biased article since I am a Filipino but after experiencing Christmas in other countries, I've seen it first hand that - no country can really beat the way Filipinos celebrate Christmas!  Yeah, I know, the snow looks great - but that's just it. 

The reality is - it's very cold  and there is no way you can enjoy being outside - the shopping sucks because the malls are crowded - and it's usually very quiet in the suburban communities. I was even shocked that most families just sleep on Christmas Eve.  No Noche Buena! Que horror!  

But here in the Philippines - it's one big fantastic fiesta once the -ber months come - and as soon as December comes around - there's that dizzying number of parties you'd have to attend and dress up for!  Then there are millions of Christmas lights and decorations everywhere from homes to offices to shopping malls! Furthermore, you see lots of families going out together - in the malls, in the amusement parks, in the churches - all dressed in their Sunday best!  Most importantly, there are the religious customs like the dawn masses and the midnight mass, which millions of Filipinos still attend!  And it's not unusual to hear Christmas carols in September, usually a warm up for the main event!  The weather too, is usually the coolest of the year, so you can wear your sweaters or your best clothes since it's not too hot. 

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