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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why Manny Pacquiao May Be the Greatest Fighter Ever - In My Book

I just watched the documentary, 'Thrilla In Manila' and I am horrified to find out how potty-mouthed and unsportsmanlike Muhammad Ali really was, during the prime of his career.  I grew up learning about the legend of this guy - only to find out now - what a horrifying human being he really was - arrogant, deluded - so full of himself! Definitely not a champion in my book. 

I always thought Manny Pacquiao was still light years away from what Muhammad Ali achieved in his lifetime, but after watching the documentary, I found out it was the other way around!  Muhammad Ali - both as a person and an athlete is a million miles away from the greatness that Manny Pacquiao has achieved.  And Manny has impeccable manners! 

Muhammad Ali's mouth should have been washed with detergent by his Mom when he was young!   I seriously think he was just a media creation - a media hype - all air but no achievement at all. Oh yeah, maybe he won this and that - but his arrogance just stank to high heavens!  If he lived in this day and age, he wouldn't have survived - since people really see you in different types of media.  He would  be the equivalent of a Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan - and yes - just a rung over that other dastardly person - Mike Tyson - who beats up women!

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