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Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Personal Views on the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill

            Researching the RH Bill, I found out that what it aims at is the access of individuals to different methods and information on birth control and maternal care. I also found out that the reason why this bill is being mercilessly pushed is that proponents of this Bill think that it will control overpopulation and ease poverty in the Philippines, thereby raising the standard of living per family. Consequently, it will follow that it will also raise the ranking of the Philippines in the world.
            Personally, I really do not understand and agree with why they are really pushing this bill. Is it because they really believe in their advocacy or is it because who ever got to push this Bill into law will become so famous that his face and his name will have install recall on the masses come election time? . I also do not believe that the Philippines is overly populated even if surveys and studies show otherwise. For one, I do not know how that study was conducted. How accurate are the census done?  With the rampant domestic migration in the Philippines, doing a population in an area or a region is quite a daunting task.  I believe that population count is just an estimate, nothing more.
            For me, population is never and should never be a problem of mankind. The reason why a child is born is because God wants it to be born. The reason why a woman does not conceive or why a child is not born alive is because God allowed it to happen.           
The government is concerned about a woman giving birth which adds to the number of inhabitants in a country. How many women can give birth at the same in a minute? On the other hand, how many victims can even one calamity take? It can destroy hundred and even thousands of lives in just a second.    
I, for one, did not conceive a child. I have undergone  so many medical interventions, I met and was treated by five specialists, I took fertility pills and underwent  so many fertility programs but all to no avail. It is because what I was seeking for is life. And life can only come from God.
            Proponents said that controlling population will alleviate poverty and raise the standard of living. Again, for me, population has nothing to do with it. If ever it has an effect, it is only marginal. For me, the correct values instilled by the parents to their children will raise the family’s standard of living.  The children must be taught the value of hard work, living a virtuous life, and valuing the benefits of education.  As I have observed, even the parents do not know how to live decently anymore. The “bahala na” attitude is still very strong to us Filipinos. We leave our life to fate. We expect to eat and to experience material joy but we do not want to work hard for it. Just look at the bums in every street, doing nothing all day but complaining of life’s hardships every minute. If other people can do two or three jobs in a day, then why can’t they do even one job? 
            We can still do something about this way of living. Instead of blaming overpopulation,  the government should have  programs to reconstruct our society. They should allot time, budget, manpower and resources to re-educate and re-train every citizen in our country towards the right way of living.
            I also do not agree with educating children about the means of birth control to prevent early or teenage pregnancies. If our children are equipped with proper values, if they know what is right and what is wrong, if we communicate well with our children, if we are always there for our children, then there will be no fear of unwanted pregnancies.  There is no reason for them to know at an early age about birth control methods. 
.           The only benefit I agree with the proponents of this Bill is the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases to infect other people.
            I hope that this RH Bill will not be implemented. But in case it is, then it is up to the parents and guardians, and the spiritual advisers, to inform their children or their flock about what is right and wrong.    
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