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Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Glimpse on Reproductive Health 5043

            So what is RH bill or Reproductive Health? Does it really help in the economy? What is so important about it, and why is it so hot items today? These are just a simple question coming from people who never really care about the issue.  But as I weigh down the differences coming from the arguments of many people who are concern about it, I began to think that this bill also includes all of us and the future of our children. (Though I still don’t have one) and that’s just another advantage of being single. Anyway let’s focus on the issue. Before I am going to give my own perception let us take a look at the proponent of these highly acclaimed “teleserye like” controversial bills. According to Riza Hontiveros this bill is simply for responsible parenthood. And according to her this are the following guidelines:
1.    freedom of choice with no bias for either modern or natural method of family planning;
2.    it is about health and rights, not demographics;
3.    individuals are provided free, full access to relevant, adequate and correct information on reproductive health and human sexuality by the State and professional private practitioners;
4.    gender equality and women empowerment and their protection, promotion and guarantee are central elements;
5.    aims to ensure birth and care of healthy children;
6.    promotes responsible parenting;
7.    Promotes breastfeeding through joint effort between local government and national government.
8.    Abortion remains a crime and is punishable by law *but* post abortion complications shall be treated, counselled in a humane, non-judgemental and compassionate manner.
9.    respect for, protection and fulfilment of reproductive health rights of children to adults are guaranteed
10. aims to uplift the quality of life of people, especially the poor, the needy and marginalized;
11. aims to seek active participation of government and non government organization;
12. The RH Bill does not legalize Abortion.
13. aims active participation between government, non government and people's organizations and communities
Now let us compare it to the opposing parties and what they perceive about this bill. This time the Catholic Bishop Conference stands: On this matter of proposed RH bills, these are our firm convictions:
1.    We are deeply concerned about the plight of the many poor, especially of suffering women, who are struggling for a better life and who must seek it outside of our country, or have recourse to a livelihood less than decent.
2.    We are pro-life. We must defend human life from the moment of conception or fertilization up to its natural end.
3.    We believe in the responsible and natural regulation of births through Natural Family Planning for which character building is necessary which involves sacrifice, discipline and respect for the dignity of the spouse.
4.    We believe that we are only stewards of our own bodies. Responsibility over our own bodies must follow the will of God who speaks to us through conscience.
5.    We hold that on the choices related to the RH bill, conscience must not only be informed but most of all rightly guided through the teachings of one’s faith.
6.    We believe in the freedom of religion and the right of conscientious objection in matters that are contrary to one’s faith. The sanctions and penalties embodied in the proposed RH bill are one more reason for us to denounce it.
CEBU CITY – President Benigno Aquino III’s pronouncement that he will fight for the passage of the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill was music to the ears of pro-choice advocates, but it angered pro-life groups who now rate the President’s credibility “below zero. So I hope the following proponents of both parties may have given an idea if you are going to oppose the bill or allow it to happen.     
       As I weigh down both sides of the coin and understand how and why this bill has an undying urge to the public this health bill is brought about the needs of the people and what it can do the possibility and changes may be present, I believe it is the same with the death penalty.  So I have made my own conclusion. What we need is neither the RH bill nor the oppositions of anyone but to resurrect the ever declining value, righteousness and morality that come from God written in Matthew 6:31 seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. 

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