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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why Are We Protecting the Squatters?

The squatters are getting bolder and bolder and that surely is a big headache for private landowners who want them off their properties!  Tonight, a squatter colony in Malabon doesn't want to leave because they're saying that the ten thousand pesos the landowner wants to give to each of them is not sufficient to be able to transfer!  How ridiculous is that!  In a law-abiding society, they're the ones who are supposed to pay the landowner rent!  So now, because of that stupid Lina law, we are breeding squatters who are 'kapalmuks' or thick-faced!  What if you were just an ordinary landowner with no connections or hidden wealth?  Then, you'd have to fence off your property and immediately destroy the 'house' of any unwanted trespasser - and be very super vigilant about it - show no mercy!  It's easier to let them off your property while they're only one.  When they get too many, you might get some problems.
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