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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why Are They So Afraid of the RH Bill?

Well, I don't mind if the church opposes it.  They are just doing their job so it's in their area of responsibility to be vigilant of this thing.  But in a country where there is a supposed separation of church and state, I am more alarmed with how self-righteous take it upon themselves to impose their morality on everyone.  They disappoint me because they think they're the only intelligent Filipinos here on earth. 

Do they think that with the law - every Filipino will just go and have sex and breed like rabbits?  I think each Juan dela Cruz is practical and only wants what is best for their respective families.  So let's respect that.  I haven't actually read what's really in the RH Bill but I believe that couples should have the choice on how they plan their families - whether they opt for the natural or artificial way.  If their personal God thinks they will go to hell, then they will pay the price soon enough.  But the truth is, right now, if you have five or more children, I am pretty sure your life is already hell!  So hell here, and then hell again if you die (because really, it's very difficult to live an honest life when you have ten children to feed!)  Thanks to these self-righteous people!

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