Ang nakakahiya dito is if you read the name of the owner of the recruitment agency, it's Lourdes Navarro - meaning - kapwa Pinoy pa ang nang-aalila sa kapwa kababayan niya. Nakakahiya ka te!! Buti nga sa iyo at pababayarin ka ng ganun kalaking damages. Sariling kababayan mo, ginagawa mong alipin! Dapat ka talagang ikulong for preying on the most vulnerable in a society.
Sometimes, you just have to walk away. Just be cool, and walk away. However, I admit there are guys na "nakakalalaki talaga" and I have a feeling that Anikow (God bless his soul) was one of these guys. But did they really have to kill Anikow to get back at him? They could've just taunted him or astig-astigan na lang - and do nothing about it - maybe they would've gone back to their normal lives. Now that they have killed him, OMG, how could you ever replace a man's life? And how can they plead self-defense when they were four guys and he was only one? Of course, movies have shown that one guy can take down four guys easily - but this was not a movie - this was real life - and I think Anikow was not even armed at that time. I feel really sorry for the four accused because their lives have been blasted apart - and they may have to live the rest of their lives not only in jail, but also living with the thought that they took a father away from his young family.
I've read a lot of different things about the knockout of the people's champion Manny Pacquiao but after sifting through what I've read, what stands out to me is how quickly God hands out punishment when He wants to. I was particularly struck by what his Mom said about him leaving the Catholic faith and stopping from praying to Mother Mary and not giving fare money to her so she can see the Calungsod canonization in Rome. When he was still a nobody, his mother prayed to the saints and to Mother Mary to help her son. Now that he is a somebody, he felt he did not need them anymore. See what he got. A humiliating knockout!
I've learned early in life never to mess with God. God can be many things to different people, but in my life, I learned early on that if you mess with Him, He will punish you where it hurts the most. Like millions of Filipinos, I was stunned to see Pacquiao lose consciousness for more than two minutes! Now that I've seen the clearer picture, God willed that to happen, to bring him back to earth - to show to Manny who's the real boss. He better listen to his mother, no matter how comical she may look. He must remember that she was always with him, when he was still a nobody - and prayed to the high heavens, to the saints, to Mother Mary, to God, to give him victory. Since he turned his back on them now - well, see what he got. If he can't see that clearly now, oh well, good luck to him!
Alberto has been raving about how famous and popular Isabel Preysler is in Spain. Well, in the Philippines, except maybe for the upper classes (those who still speak Spanish), she is mostly unknown to ordinary Filipinos and to some who may know her, she's just the mother of Enrique Iglesias, the Latin pop superstar.
She's the embodiment though of style and grace, much like a Filipino version of Jackie O. She has since left the Philippines as a young woman and has adapted Spain as her home. That may be the reason why most Filipinos, except again for the alta sociedad, just don't really care for her.
I guess she's better off in Spain. The rough and tumble world of Philippine high society and its intermingling of different cultures - the Spanish, the Chinese, and yeah, the natives, the indios, might have been too claustrophobic for her. Plus, her family and kids are there. It's good though that she visits the Philippines from time to time, bridging relationships, business or otherwise, between the former colony and colonial power.